Monday, January 30, 2012

The Weekend

The weekend was awesome, spent a lot of time with my family, went to church and relaxed. We didn't make it to the gym due to my husband having some knee problems, but we did watch a ton of good movies with the girls. I recommend  anyone with netflix watch "The Secrets of Moonacre", I do not ever remember it being out in theaters but it is truly a wonderful movie.
    I do not have much to report on the weight loss front, I have gained another pound and haven't been very "regular" its depressing I don't want to talk or write about it. Maybe tomorrow!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sorry for no post yesterday, but I was a little depressed/sulking. I tried a different way of tracking calories and it suggested that I only have 1200 a day instead of the 1400 I had been doing. Well that is only 200 difference so it wasn't hard, but after 2 days of doing it I had gained back 3 lbs. Imagine my shock when I stepped on the scale, I almost had a fit, all that calorie cutting to just gain weight. So anyway I went back to how I was tracking it and back to 1400 calories and since yesterday morning I have lost 2 of those 3 pounds so yay. Today is family day so I cannot write much, but we are heading to the gym later so that should be good!
This is day 12 and I have lost 6 lbs!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Changing my Outlook on the Day!

 As I sit here with my cup of tea and look out my window things seem bleak, it is dreary outside, rain, fog, and gray. So I think to myself "perhaps the window is not the best place to look, look in the living room". The living room is a wonderful place to view there are my two children playing contently, arguing over a toy tractor and they absolutely couldn't care less whether it is dank outside or not. Lord I need to start having the outlook of a child, I believe that we all do, just trying can brighten ones day considerably. Today instead of feeling down about the weather I am going to feel great just to be alive, I will not eat all the comfort food in the house, and I will not sleep my day away, I will pick up my home, cook a fantastic dinner, and do arts and crafts with my two beautiful girls! Perhaps I will even post pictures of said crafts this evening!

This is day 10 and I am down 7 pounds, 23 more to go!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Goals and Rewards

My goal for the first 6 weeks of this is to lose 30 lbs. I thought a lot about what I would have for a reward if I ever reach this goal, there were a lot of contenders; Chocolate cake, Ice Cream, Dinner out with out counting calories... but none of those will actually help me to be a healthier person or keep the weight off. So I decided that it would be clothes, really why not buy some clothing that I cannot wear at the moment because of fat rolls. I think that it would motivate me to keep going with weight loss and eating healthy, not make me want to go back to the old me like the other options were bound to do. So here are my rewards for if and when I reach my first goal. I have been wanting them for a while and with spring/summer coming up I think they are a perfect fit.

Antisocial am I

Last night I went to bed with every intention of going to class at the Y today, but at 630 this morning just before  I finally went to sleep I thought to myself "ahhh *#&% it" and drifted off into a nightmare filled hour of sleep. "Mommmmmma" I could hear my two year old calling me from her bed, as I stumbled around in my dark room listening to her beautiful little voice calling me knowing she wanted nothing more than for me to pop my head in the door and exclaim "good morning my beautiful darling". This filled me with happiness and a renewed vigor to face the day correctly, I mean really I can go to class on an hours sleep, its only for an hour, and it is good for me. So I got my beautiful girl out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast, we had apples,pears, and bananas, and of course I had my morning cuppa. It was all very picturesque and lovely. That is until a giant wave of nausea hit me as I was cleaning up, it was staggering. I flew to the bathroom with my children watching in amazement(probably amazed mommy can move so fast), but nothing came, no vomit, just that horrible queasy feeling and under the tongue sweats that always accompany vomit. It has been 2 hours since I poised my self over the loo and the vomit feeling is sticking with me, I have had small bouts of nausea for the past few days(I believe it is due to diet change) but nothing has ever come to the vomit feeling or stuck around like this. My point is I am miserable(feel sorry for me)j/k, I missed my class, and I am unsure whether or not this is my antisocial craziness manifesting itself in a horrid way, or if I am truly just under the weather. Also today I plan on posting my goals and showing everyone what I have picked out as my reward if/when I reach them!
This is day 9 and I have lost 6 pounds!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Begining

My name is...not important, what is important is the fact that at almost 25 I weigh in at a hefty 220 lbs.  When I wake up in the morning I avoid the mirror, opting to clean my teeth and comb my hair just outside the restroom door, most days I stay in my pj's and am quite happy to not even open my closet. To say the least I am a depressed blob, raising two beautiful girls whom I teach everyday. A few weeks ago I realized that I am not just teaching them letters, numbers, and shapes, but also how to live. I do not want to teach my beautiful children to live with obesity, I want to teach them that it is important to eat healthy and exercise. to do that. I was discussing this with my husband and he suggested maybe we should teach by example. Okay we can do this. A few days later we joined the Y, and I started working out healthier meals. Problem is that I cannot bring my anti social self to leave my house and go to all the lovely fitness classes that they offer during the day. I once went to the gym part with the hubs and it was great, I was so jazzed, for all the good that Jazzedness(made up I know) did the next day I could not talk myself into going to the class.....What am I to do with myself?
                So I have decide to write this blog, perhaps if my subconscious thinks that people are expecting me to go to class, I will. I need to stay positive, I need to go to these classes, and I need to nip my bread and butter addiction in the butt!literally.
                So here is my promise to you(it doesn't matter if I have readers or if I imagine I have readers) I will continue eating healthy(so far this is the easiest part for me), I will go to at least 3 classes a week(even though I would love to go to 6), and I will keep this blog update with weight loss, class activity, and any other cool stuff I find. If you would like to follow me on my journey please do!
This is day 8 of eating healthy, and I have gone from 225lbs to 220lbs.